
Friday, October 18, 2013

Send Me Back...

...to school! And I don't mean college...I'm talking elementary school. 3rd or 4th grade. This computer stuff...aack!
Now, I am...somewhere in my 30s...and I consider myself still pretty young. But if you were to compare what I was learning about in elementary school about computers and what my kids are learning...I am pretty much an antique!
I guess that's why people pay others to do their websites. I was determined to figure it out. And I did, numbing my ass in the process by sitting so long in front of my computer. I set records on myself, for the longest period sitting.
But, alas, completion. Damn, that feels good! Of course, it should and will be a constant work in progress, but the foundation is there...the hardest part of that is over.

In other news, I got new headshots, which is partially what motivated the revamping of said website. I traveled to NYC to have some photos done by Mark Bennington. He was amazing...check out his website at www.benningtonheadshots.com. He was so much fun to work with, and a wiz with that camera and lighting!

And in still more news, I am involved in a staged reading coming up the first weekend in November, Agnes of God. I will be Agnes. What a role, what a script! Intimidating to be sure, definitely jumping out of my comfort zone with this one...bring it on!

All for the moment...happy website navigating!

'Til next time...